ROI Calculator: Indico Labs Report Automation Service

Enable your team to work more effectively with Indico Labs

January 8, 2025
In this article, we're going to discuss:

Our team of experts will automate the production of repeatable reports such as: 

  • Brand trackers
  • Regular KPI reports
  • Multi-audience studies (e.g. international projects)
  • Templated reports (e.g. ad testing, A/B testing, etc)
  • And many more

Accessing the ROI calculator: 

Using the ROI calculator

The ROI calculator works best when you have a particular project in mind. That way, you can answer the questions based on a real-life example. We recommend picking a repeatable study that you are familiar with.

When we mention billable hours, we are referring to the time that researchers are spending working on tasks that can be charged to the client. If your agency doesn’t use hourly rates to determine project costs, try estimating how much you would charge your end client per hour if they wanted one of your employees to dedicate 1 hour to them every week.

The benefits of outsourcing report population to Indico Labs

Business impact

Instead of dedicating huge amounts of time to simple tasks, your team can focus more time on perfecting the next proposal or managing relationships with existing clients.

Profit margins

Scale efficiently as and when needed, limiting the number of new hires. Produce reports in less time and at a lower cost, boosting project profit margins.

Happy clients

Reports delivered sooner, with enhanced insights, stories and strategies means happier clients that come back time and time again.

Still not convinced?

In this video, Tim Hoskin, President of Quester Strategy and Insights, discusses the importance of the Indico Labs Report Population Service to Quester and the impressive ROI the business has seen from partnering with Indico Labs.

Tim's insights are fascinating, and it's worth watching this video case study or reading the transcript below. The Indico Labs Report Population Services has helped Quester to make better use of employee time while also providing accurate reporting quickly.

The incredible power of Indico Labs Report Population Service (Quester case study)

Would you like more information about our Report Population Service?